Sunday, February 12, 2017

What is a monopoly?
A monopoly is a market structure where one firm dominates the ENTIRE Industry.

What are the characteristics of a monopoly?
  • There are high barriers to entry and exit.
  • They benefit from economies of scale.
  • Firms are neither productively or allocatively efficient.
  • A monopoly is able to make an abnormal/supernormal profit. 
  • They produce a unique product, there are no (close) substitutes available.
  • A monopoly can be dynamically efficient - The firm can re-invest their profits. 
  1. Consumer's choice is restricted. 
  2. Consumers pay higher prices (exploited).
  3. Resources not allocated in an optimal way. 
  4. No innovation due to lack of competition.
  1. If monopoly reinvests profits into Research and Development, then consumers have more choice.
  2. Since monopolies can exploit economies of scale, they have lowers costs, so prices may decrease.
As you can see from the above diagram, Microsoft is clearly a monopoly as it owns about 90 % of the Market. 

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