Friday, July 21, 2017

Back to Basics Part 2: Supply

What is Supply?

  • Supply is the willingness and ability of producers to produce a quantity of goods and services at a given price at a given time period. 
  • The law of supply states that, as price increases, the quantity supplied of the product will increase, ceteris paribus. 
  • An example could be the market of frozen pizzas. The following graph demonstrates the rule above.

  • This happens because at higher prices there will be more potential profits to be made and so the producer will increase output. 

  • Factors affecting supply other than price - 
    • The costs of factors of production
    • The state of technology
    • Expectations
    • The price of other products which the producer could produce instead of the existing product.
    • Amount of Government intervention
  • A change in any of these factors (other than price) will shift the supply curve, for example:

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