Friday, August 4, 2017

Back to basics part 4 : YED & XED

What is income elasticity of demand (YED) ? 
  • YED is a measure of how much the demand for a product changes when there is a change in the consumer's income
The value range of YED:
  • YED (+) = normal good
  • YED (-) = inferior good
  • 0 < YED > 1 = income inelastic - change in income results in a more than proportionate change in quantity demanded
  • YED > 1 = income elastic - change in income results in a less than proportionate changed in quantity demanded
YED can be illustrated on a diagram called the 'Engel Curve' :

What is cross elasticity of demand (XED) ?
  • XED is a measure of how much demand for a product changes when there is a change in price of another product
The value range of XED:
  • XED (+) = products are substitutes
  • XED (-) = products are complements

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